

Works great on Raptor Blackbird (ppc64le)

BZ#2212748 Fails to build: undefined reference to `mozilla::ProfilerParent::~ProfilerParent()'
BZ#2221317 /usr/bin/firefox script overwrites MOZ_GMP_PATH
BZ#2174139 QEMU 7.0 gets the request alignment wrong and I/O errors are returned

F34 + bluetooth keyboard & mouse: with new dracut and initramfs rebuild everything worked like a charm.

BZ#1964879 Boot fails, or slow and partly broken, with dracut 054+ and bluetooth keyboard (possibly other scenarios also)

After upgrading to it, my system started hanging at "Switch Root" moment, dbus, bluetooth and NetworkManager startup among the others fails and the system is overall unusable. I had to rollback to 0.53 to have my system back. I'm using mouse + keyboard over bluetooth


tested by removing the missing python3-cffi and now got automatically installed

BZ#1914874 hexchat fails to load python plugin (missing dep on python3-cffi)
BZ#1831311 "rear" relax-and-recover fails
BZ#1848352 rear-2.6 is available

all good thanks, please hurry up in stabilizing it, since it's breaking clamsmtp/clamav update out there

BZ#1757955 clamav-0.102.2 is available
BZ#1801199 /etc/cron.d/clamav-update (clamav-update-0.102.2-1.fc31.x86_64)
BZ#1801329 clamav/clamd 0.101.5-7.fc31 breaks exim-clamav
Test Case ClamAV

Thanks for the update, bugs fixed and the update works as expected

BZ#1649107 nut-client contains / (in the root directory)
BZ#1619712 python-ovs: No module named compat

Work for me, thanks

BZ#1433800 it.po busted: KeyError: 'nome-mv'

1368745 fixed for me as well. Thanks!


Everything works! +++

BZ#1323718 beets web plugin not provided or not working
BZ#1341359 beets-v1.3.19 is available

Work for me, the issue is not present anymore.

BZ#1350185 Cannot create or run any VM: broken it.po causes: KeyError: 'nome-mv'