With that update the 'fedpkg new-sources' hangs indefinitely. Downgrading makes it work again.
Tested on a F25 VM, where I installed all the devassistant packages and then upgraded to F26 with the updates-testing repo enabled. The system got updated with no issues. Also shouldn't this be proposed as a freeze exception in order to make it to the final F26 compose?
Tested in F26 mock, the python2 and python3 modules are imported successfully in the respective interpreter versions.
(installed the builds through koji since the update is still on pending status).
Tested in F26 mock, the python2 and python3 modules are imported successfully in the respective interpreter versions.
Python shell works fine and the system is stable. No regressions noted.
Installed the package with no issues.
'python36' invokes the Python 3.6.0 shell and no issues seemed to arise by using it.
Good catch besser82. The issue is actually http://bugs.python.org/issue27286 where upstream bumped the magic number, something that is not supposed to happen between minor releases. The fedora package issue is being worked on currently in order to keep the same magic number.
abrt, firewalld etc issues originate from that
Good catch besser82. The issue is actually http://bugs.python.org/issue27286 where upstream bumped the magic number, something that is not supposed to happen between minor releases. The fedora package issue is being worked on currently in order to keep the same magic number.
Works fine. No regressions noted.
Thank you very much for the feedback. I made new builds to fix the issues, and the updates should come soon. Also upstream has been notified and some things are fixed already.
Tested in mock epel-7 chroot.
No regressions noted and #1384957 is resolved.
Tested on a F25 VM. Works fine.
Tested on a F23 VM. Works fine.
After testing this update on a VM with F23 I can confirm that #1374852 is resolved, I was able to do a system-upgrade to F25 with no issues.
Looks good.
Changing my feedback since I tested the previous version. Installed *-1.1 from koji and it works fine.