

Tested on system that runs duperemove once a day, and it worked without any issues

BZ#2001447 Please update old duperemove

I did notice that this also fixes the networking errors that I belatedly saw with the previous build.

I can verify that this fixes BZ#1941335 in the Europe/Dublin time zone. I'm not leaving overall karma to keep this from getting autopushed.

BZ#1941335 Starting raid-check.timer renders system unusable

This seems to also fix #1941335


Screen sharing works again in Firefox on an X1 Carbon with this update

BZ#1868332 Screen sharing doesn't work in Firefox after last few pipewire updates

So nice to have zchunk working again!

BZ#1739867 Broken support in libdnf of zchunk metadata after rebuilt for librepo 1.10.5
BZ#1706627 dnf update fails behind a proxy when metadata is updated

Sorry, just realized the command should be: dnf --enablerepo=rawhide list updates; rm /var/cache/dnf/rawhide*.solv*; rm /var/cache/dnf/rawhide-*/repodata/repomd.xml; dnf --enablerepo=rawhide list updates


Tested with zchunked rawhide repo and everything works correctly. If you want to test that it fixes the segfault, run: dnf --enablerepo=rawhide list updates; rm /var/cache/dnf/rawhide*.solv*; /var/cache/dnf/rawhide-*/repodata/repomd.xml; dnf --enablerepo=rawhide list updates

The second time you run dnf, the Rawhide repo should be about 242KB instead of the usual 55MB, but, most importantly, you shouldn't get a segfault.

BZ#1694411 Segfault when using zchunk metadata

The librepo update segfaults when using zchunk metadata:

@pkratosh, it looks like this won't automatically be pushed, even though the karma has been reset and there isn't any remaining negative karma. Since we're at +6, could you please push manually?

Still works perfectly

BZ#1683769 dnf missing zchunk support
Test Case base update cli

Still works perfectly

BZ#1683769 dnf missing zchunk support
Test Case base update cli

Tested with dnf group list with a test repository with zchunked updateinfo.xml.zck, and everything worked perfectly.

BZ#1683769 dnf missing zchunk support
Test Case base update cli

With vlc-3.0.5-14 in RPM Fusion, this fixes the crash in #1642729.

BZ#1642729 vlc crashes when trying to open Universal Plug'n'Play stream

Tested on a FreeIPA server, and named-pkcs11 starts and works perfectly