

Seems to work just fine for me!

BZ#2188136 [abrt] rtorrent: snprintf(): rtorrent killed by SIGABRT
BZ#2142476 pypolicyd-spf-2.9.3-1 missed requirement to python3-authres
BZ#2142743 pypolicyd-spf-2.9.3-1 missed requirement to python3-pymilter
BZ#2027120 direnv-2.32.1 is available
BZ#2027120 direnv-2.32.1 is available
BZ#2077122 puppet 7 is incompatible with concurrent-ruby 1.1.5
BZ#2094592 Fresh install of puppet unable to perform lookups

This seems to have fixed the BZ#2094592 hiera problem, and after some additional fixes (unrelated to puppet), I was able to get through the manifests I was able to process before.

BZ#2094592 Fresh install of puppet unable to perform lookups
BZ#1909016 python-boto3-1.16.39 is available
BZ#1909017 python-botocore-1.19.39 is available

Looks like this fixes the worst of the issues, and I can get through a complete run now (in my serverless environment, I don't have a server environment to test).

Tons of deprecation warnings, obviously, but it's at least functional now. :)

BZ#1815115 Puppet agent does not run on Fedora 32 beta due to upgrade to Ruby 2.7
BZ#1779570 Firefox 71 breaks many extensions - can't write to local storage
BZ#1738614 On latest kernel mouse dies out of application windows

Fixed #1732550, thanks!

BZ#1632550 Importing btrfs on python3 fails

This update has been unpushed.

Could this be pushed to stable?

Any chance this could be pushed to stable?

Any chance this could be pushed to stable?

BZ#1250466 Tracker for golang-github-hashicorp-go-multierror