This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
This update restore the functionality of LuxRender
Pushing this update to restore the default static wallpaper. Animated version will be fixed on the next update and bug report already opened:
@gwendal That is be addressed for the final release given the beta status.
It is a bug related to the reintroduction of animated default background. The default static backgrounds should be restored with a new update available on FEDORA-2017-ec3e64c89e Please test it.
Please test FEDORA-2017-99b07aede4
Runs fine on Wayland session
Works fine. Media Writer now displays the right version of Labs media.
Works fine
This update fixed bug #1387403
These packages have yet to land on updates-testing repository as seen on the pending status at this time of writing.
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
It looks like LuxRender-blender still use the old Blender 2.76. It is a seperate issue meaning this update needs to be pushed first to stable to effectively rebuild LuxRender-blender.
Tiles now display maps.
Running Pitivi 0.96 with the new gst-transcoder. An crash occurred on a previewer as the traceback was automatically reported but did not bring down the whole application. Piviti remained functional for the rest of quick editing displaying a much improved overall performance of the application.
This update has been unpushed.