I had to update using the following.
$ sudo dnf remove -y tuned
$ sudo dnf install --enablerepo=updates-testing --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2024-a54b5427a8 power-profiles-daemon
I'm not sure that is the correct way, but I have the correct version installed.
$ rpm -qa | grep power-profiles-daemon 21:42:27
It installs OK and starts OK after reboot, however the Profiles don't seem to have updated in gnome. I'm still seeing balanced profile, which is unexpected from previous versions. Also, when adding or removing charger, profiles don't automatically update as expected from previous versions. I opened a new ticket for this at https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2323558.
Still getting crashes and tearing on videos.
Functions as expected. I'm able to boot alma8 via PXE. No further errors or long waits as I reported in BZ#2290388.
Moved to F40. As with F39 package, functionally operational. Man works. Completion works. Service function as expected. I can see battery state.
Functionally works as before. Verified bash and zsh completion. Man page is there. Verified power profiles are battery state aware. It's been working well for me on the power-profiles-daemon-0.21-2.fc39 for AMD.
Works as expected on AMD. Verified docs are there. Verified completion works with ZSH. Battery state works as expected. I see power-save when disconnecting from power supply and performance when plugged back in.
Didn't realize I jumped the gun. It appears I am OK:
sudo dnf upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing --advisory=FEDORA-2020-e8b6474ee5 [sudo] password for taim: Last metadata expiration check: 4:51:00 ago on Mon 30 Mar 2020 05:23:40 PM EDT. No security updates needed, but 0 updates available Dependencies resolved. Nothing to do. Complete!
Tested on a Lenovo T450s as I reported in BZ#1814872. Generally functions. Pointer works as expected. I uploaded kernel regression test case all are PASS.
Seems to work well for me related to #1305582 and #1368745. General usage otherwise seems good. I don't have permissions to the other bugs to give feedback otherwise.
My previous testing was not on the package, but my understanding of behavior. Based on that, everything works as expected. The balanced profile adjusts performance based on charger state change.