I think that depends on FEDORA-2023-041092cd8f which should hit stable before podman does
Tested with rootful and rootless containers, including new quadlet features. LGTM
Works for me on Dell XPS 13 (laptop) and XPS 8900 (PC)
Thanks @lsm5!
Also - update on the warnings above - I have found that this installation of podman was still using the cni backend, so these warnings were expected.
With rc2 and -plugins installed, I'm getting warning messages like this with old cni config files from previous (i.e. 4.3.1) versions of podman:
podman run -it --net=host -v /home/martjack/gitwork/newprints/docs:/site:"rw,z" --entrypoint htmltest quay.io/hybridcloudpatterns/homepage-container:latest
WARN[0000] Error validating CNI config file /home/martjack/.config/cni/net.d/87-podman.conflist: [failed to find plugin "bridge" in path [/usr/local/libexec/cni /usr/libexec/cni /usr/local/lib/cni /usr/lib/cni /opt/cni/bin] failed to find plugin "portmap" in path [/usr/local/libexec/cni /usr/libexec/cni /usr/local/lib/cni /usr/lib/cni /opt/cni/bin] failed to find plugin "firewall" in path [/usr/local/libexec/cni /usr/libexec/cni /usr/local/lib/cni /usr/lib/cni /opt/cni/bin] failed to find plugin "tuning" in path [/usr/local/libexec/cni /usr/libexec/cni /usr/local/lib/cni /usr/lib/cni /opt/cni/bin]]
Is this expected? I removed the conflist files and that makes the warnings go away (and things still work).
Also, it seems that -quadlet has to be installed "intentionally"; I'm assuming this is deliberate for now, as -quadlet is still in "preview" mode, but I wanted to note it here just in case.
Works for me, including quadlet functions.
Tested via the koji builds. LGTM
Confirmed to work with both client and server. The server no longer needs "legacy providers default" to start and I see BF-CBC is no longer included in the default data-ciphers option passed on the server command line.
Tested in November from the koji builds. Works well.
Again, thanks for packaging this so quickly! This fixes the --dry-run issue and also fixes the original bug that prompted this request. (Tested the koji build)
The bug in question is definitely fixed - there appears to be a new upstream bug (which I've reported) that podman-compose --dry-run up crashes. Note that actual podman-compose up works.
Personally, I would rather have this version in the archive than the one with the command string problem.
BTW, thanks so much for packaging and pushing this so quickly!
Downloaded and installed from updates-testing, confirmed to work as expected. Thanks!
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been unpushed.
Pulled from the koji builds. Works for rootless and rootful containers.
Note that the previously built subpackage podman-quadlet has now been integrated into the podman binary package in this release. You will need to remove podman-quadlet manually if you have one.