No error on update, and I tested with synapse, who is still functional.
No issue on prosody after updating this one
Work for me, just tested the knot rpm( not knot resolver)
worked fine after upgrade for me
Seems to work fine for prosody and synapse
Updated my server, restarted it. I looked at the logs just as I restarted, no error and Fractal was able to connect, and i was able to discuss on a channel.
Been running since 3 days, seems to be working fine (didn't see mem leak), got alert, no upgrade issue
Work fine for hidden service
Work for me
Tested with a onion service, no issue
So this is working, but there is also selinux issues regarding dac_search when using a onion service.
The bug is fixed (the one on F24), tested on x86_64
work fine, provided the -C option is set to point at the right location ( cf #1294244 )
Tested with bandit, it seems to work fine.