

No error on update, and I tested with synapse, who is still functional.

BZ#1988712 python3-twisted-21.7.0: missing dependency

No issue on prosody after updating this one

BZ#1993641 lua-sec-1.0.2 is available

Work for me, just tested the knot rpm( not knot resolver)


worked fine after upgrade for me

BZ#1989535 prosody-0.11.10 is available
BZ#1918426 matrix-synapse-1.38.0 is available
BZ#1960244 prosody-0.11.9 is available

Seems to work fine for prosody and synapse

BZ#1954178 Prosody fails to start (due to libicu)

Updated my server, restarted it. I looked at the logs just as I restarted, no error and Fractal was able to connect, and i was able to discuss on a channel.

BZ#1796270 python-signedjson-1.1.1 is available
BZ#1840452 matrix-synapse-1.23.0 is available
BZ#1861208 python-canonicaljson-1.4.0 is available
BZ#1864122 matrix-synapse: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f33
BZ#1901509 CVE-2020-26890 matrix-synapse: DoS attack due to invalid JSON [fedora-all]
User Icon misc commented & provided feedback on nagios-4.4.2-3.el7 6 years ago

Been running since 3 days, seems to be working fine (didn't see mem leak), got alert, no upgrade issue

BZ#1517925 Updating nagios package causes nagios service to be disabled.
BZ#1568273 Nagios service disabled after each update
BZ#1593048 nagios-4.4.1 is available
BZ#1647765 Memory leak in nagios
User Icon misc commented & provided feedback on tor- 7 years ago

Work fine for hidden service

Work for me

BZ#1403611 chromium shows error on ssl-sites secured by symantec certificates
BZ#1403936 Chromium 55 is available
User Icon misc commented & provided feedback on tor- 8 years ago

Tested with a onion service, no issue

User Icon misc commented & provided feedback on tor- 8 years ago

So this is working, but there is also selinux issues regarding dac_search when using a onion service.

User Icon misc commented & provided feedback on tor- 8 years ago

The bug is fixed (the one on F24), tested on x86_64


work fine, provided the -C option is set to point at the right location ( cf #1294244 )

Tested with bandit, it seems to work fine.

BZ#1219807 Review Request: python-appdirs - Python module for determining platform-specific directories