Thanks, but still not working. Tested your fc40 package and still same problem. :-( Reported upstream:
Thanks, but still same problem:
<home:pts0:~>$ rpm -q kitty
<home:pts0:~>$ kitty
[destroyed object]: error 7: failed to import supplied dmabufs: Unsupported buffer format 875713345
[025 19:44:57.127696] [glfw error 65544]: Wayland: fatal display error: Chyba protokolu
Unable to run kitty after update. :-(
<home:pts0:~>$ kitty
[destroyed object]: error 7: failed to import supplied dmabufs: Unsupported buffer format 875713345
[021 10:45:29.188020] [glfw error 65544]: Wayland: fatal display error: Chyba protokolu
After downgrade everything works again.
At least fixes security problems fixed in 3.0.3.
Works well. Thank you.
Much better. Still sometimes crashes, but at least not always.
Blender python crash has not been solved by this update.
Works well.
CH341 serial communication was fixed in this kernel (broken in 5.5.5 and 5.5.6).
@nphilipp, no, looks like Fedora infrastructure problem. I am an official mirror and can't download it from Tier0. Also after some days there is no mirror with updated gimp in testing. Try:
# dnf update --enablerepo=updates-testing --enablerepo=updates-testing-upjs gimp\* gegl\* -y
# rpm -q gegl04 gimp
Btw, there is still karma=0, even if there are 2 comments with karma up symbol.
gegl04-0.4.22-1.fc31 is already in updates-testing, but gimp-2.10.18-1.fc31. Is this a bug of Fedora infrastructure?
dz00te, please add karma to new version: FEDORA-EPEL-2020-e56c718472
Nice, works well. Thanks. But my blender python addon needs to be updated.
Please push python3-arcus to stable, because currently there are broken dependencies.
EPEL-8 build works well. Thank you.