

The test has passed.


Confirming ^^


Confirming ^^


Confirming ^^


Based on internal integration smoke test.


Based on internal integration smoke test.


Based on internal integration smoke test.


Installation, and running bare mrack works.


Installation, and running bare mrack works.


Because of the issue above and the same issue described in f36 update.


Same dependency issue as in FEDORA-2022-50744c845f

I also tried to install just python3-mracklib and python3-cli and it is failing, requiring content of the podman subpackage.

[root@f36 fedora]# mrack
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/mrack", line 20, in <module>
    from mrack import run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mrack/", line 29, in <module>
    from mrack.actions.ssh import SSH
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mrack/actions/", line 23, in <module>
    from mrack.providers.utils.podman import Podman
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mrack.providers.utils.podman'

The dependencies of python3-mracklib looks off they seems to bring all the dependencies which should be otherwise part of the providers.

[root@f37 yum.repos.d]# dnf install python3-mracklib 
Last metadata expiration check: 0:11:01 ago on Tue 01 Nov 2022 08:04:48 PM UTC.
Dependencies resolved.
 Package                                  Architecture Version                                  Repository             Size
 python3-mracklib                         noarch       1.10.0-1.fc37                            updates-testing       124 k
Installing dependencies:
 beaker-client                            noarch       28.3-3.fc37                              fedora                222 k
 beaker-common                            noarch       28.3-3.fc37                              fedora                 50 k
 bzip2                                    x86_64       1.0.8-12.fc37                            fedora                 52 k
 cyrus-sasl                               x86_64       2.1.28-8.fc37                            fedora                 73 k
 cyrus-sasl-gssapi                        x86_64       2.1.28-8.fc37                            fedora                 26 k
 fuse3-libs                               x86_64       3.10.5-5.fc37                            fedora                 92 k
 genisoimage                              x86_64       1.1.11-50.fc37                           fedora                333 k
 gettext                                  x86_64       0.21-19.0.20220203.fc37                  fedora                1.0 M
 gnutls-dane                              x86_64       3.7.7-1.fc37                             fedora                 33 k
 gnutls-utils                             x86_64       3.7.7-1.fc37                             fedora                312 k
 gssproxy                                 x86_64       0.9.1-4.fc37                             fedora                114 k
 iproute-tc                               x86_64       5.18.0-2.fc37                            fedora                466 k
 iptables-libs                            x86_64       1.8.8-3.fc37                             fedora                417 k
 keyutils                                 x86_64       1.6.1-5.fc37                             fedora                 63 k
 libaio                                   x86_64       0.3.111-14.fc37                          fedora                 23 k
 libbsd                                   x86_64       0.10.0-10.fc37                           fedora                105 k
 libev                                    x86_64       4.33-6.fc37                              fedora                 52 k
 libibverbs                               x86_64       41.0-1.fc37                              fedora                412 k
 libnetfilter_conntrack                   x86_64       1.0.8-5.fc37                             fedora                 57 k
 libnfnetlink                             x86_64       1.0.1-22.fc37                            fedora                 29 k
 libnfsidmap                              x86_64       1:2.6.2-1.rc2.fc37                       fedora                 61 k
 libpcap                                  x86_64       14:1.10.1-4.fc37                         fedora                171 k
 libretls                                 x86_64       3.5.2-2.fc37                             fedora                 41 k
 libssh2                                  x86_64       1.10.0-5.fc37                            fedora                119 k
 libtpms                                  x86_64       0.9.5-2.fc37                             fedora                390 k
 libusal                                  x86_64       1.1.11-50.fc37                           fedora                137 k
 libverto-libev                           x86_64       0.3.2-4.fc37                             fedora                 13 k
 libvirt-daemon                           x86_64       8.6.0-3.fc37                             fedora                388 k
 libvirt-daemon-driver-qemu               x86_64       8.6.0-3.fc37                             fedora                915 k
 libvirt-daemon-driver-storage-core       x86_64       8.6.0-3.fc37                             fedora                218 k
 libvirt-libs                             x86_64       8.6.0-3.fc37                             fedora                4.6 M
 libwsman1                                x86_64       2.7.1-7.fc37                             fedora                138 k
 libxslt                                  x86_64       1.1.37-1.fc37                            fedora                184 k
 linux-atm-libs                           x86_64       2.5.1-33.fc37                            fedora                 38 k
 lzop                                     x86_64       1.04-9.fc37                              fedora                 55 k
 nfs-utils                                x86_64       1:2.6.2-1.rc2.fc37                       fedora                444 k
 numactl-libs                             x86_64       2.0.14-6.fc37                            fedora                 30 k
 numad                                    x86_64       0.5-37.20150602git.fc37                  fedora                 37 k
 policycoreutils-python-utils             noarch       3.4-6.fc37                               fedora                 80 k
 python3-boto3                            noarch       1.24.91-1.fc37                           updates-testing       207 k
 python3-botocore                         noarch       1.27.91-1.fc37                           updates-testing       5.5 M
 python3-click                            noarch       8.1.3-1.fc37                             fedora                239 k
 python3-decorator                        noarch       5.1.1-4.fc37                             fedora                 31 k
 python3-gssapi                           x86_64       1.7.3-3.fc37                             fedora                570 k
 python3-jmespath                         noarch       1.0.0-5.fc37                             fedora                 61 k
 python3-libvirt                          x86_64       8.6.0-1.fc37                             fedora                350 k
 python3-libxml2                          x86_64       2.9.14-3.fc37                            fedora                245 k
 python3-lxml                             x86_64       4.9.1-1.fc37                             fedora                1.2 M
 python3-s3transfer                       noarch       0.6.0-3.fc37                             fedora                151 k
 python3-testcloud                        noarch       0.8.1-2.fc37                             fedora                 91 k
 qemu-img                                 x86_64       2:7.0.0-10.fc37                          updates-testing       1.8 M
 quota                                    x86_64       1:4.06-8.fc37                            fedora                193 k
 quota-nls                                noarch       1:4.06-8.fc37                            fedora                 77 k
 rpcbind                                  x86_64       1.2.6-3.fc37                             fedora                 57 k
 sshpass                                  x86_64       1.09-4.fc37                              fedora                 27 k
 sssd-nfs-idmap                           x86_64       2.7.4-1.fc37                             fedora                 35 k
 swtpm                                    x86_64       0.7.3-2.20220427gitf2268ee.fc37          fedora                 42 k
 swtpm-libs                               x86_64       0.7.3-2.20220427gitf2268ee.fc37          fedora                 50 k
 swtpm-tools                              x86_64       0.7.3-2.20220427gitf2268ee.fc37          fedora                124 k
 systemd-container                        x86_64       251.6-609.fc37                           fedora                551 k
 trousers                                 x86_64       0.3.15-7.fc37                            fedora                143 k
 trousers-lib                             x86_64       0.3.15-7.fc37                            fedora                165 k
 yajl                                     x86_64       2.1.0-19.fc37                            fedora                 37 k
Installing weak dependencies:
 butane                                   x86_64       0.16.0-1.fc37                            updates-testing       2.2 M
 netcat                                   x86_64       1.219-1.fc37                             updates-testing        35 k

Transaction Summary
Install  66 Packages

Total download size: 26 M
Installed size: 147 M
Is this ok [y/N]: 

@amessina there is a bug report with very similar error as you encountered. In that case it was issue in data in LDAP so no fix was created. I wonder if it might be the same thing. Check there are some advices by pspacek later in the comments.

I'm experiencing the same issue as mbabinsk . Tbordaz's build without 48755 - works for me.


with ipa 4.3: Tested installation of master and 2 replicas with CA.


FreeIPA was rebuilt:

Together it works for me.




  • ipa-server-install --setup-dns --setup-ca
  • ipa-kra-install

experiencing bug 1231834 as well. It breaks ipa-server-install.