Please check dep. before such an update, with soname change...
Packages build with -1 uses /etc/opt, and -4 switch back to old /opt/... this can break some SCL and requires a mass rebuild (I've been hit by this)
This update has been unpushed
This update has been unpushed
This update has been unpushed
This update has been unpushed
fpm regression fixed, go for test / karma
auto-karma disabled, please wait for upcoming new build, because of regression in FPM (upstream bug 68420, 68421, 68423)
This update has been unpushed
nginx-filesystem and default.d directory work as expected.
1039756 verified on RHEL6, PHPUnit works as expected.
php-lightopenid needs to comply to PHP Guidelines
Test ok.
Be aware thant the provided httpd configuration is for version 2.4 (ok in fedora), but will not work with 2.2 in EL.
Just build php-pecl-msgpack against it (buildroot override submitted). Test suite succeed. Thanks
Bug #1197321 is fixed