This update was installed on my machine on January 26 from the updates-stable repo even though it's no longer in that repo.
Never mind, I found an updated link to what are probably the same videos.
The Theora format link at is dead, can someone find a good live replacement?
Bodhi apparently has a bug where having enough stable karma doesn't trigger a push to stable if it happens before the test gating status changes to 'passed', and to trigger it there has to be a comment with +1 karma after, a simple bump comment like this won't do it. (I believe if one of the people who already gave a +1 does it again, that will work.) Is this bug known?
Thanks for update - works now in F35 without disabling extension version validation.
@baptu: It hasn't reached your updates-testing mirror yet, it should be there in a few hours.
Why are the koji builds for F34 and F35 not in Bodhi?