package: python2-resultsdb_api-2.0.0-7.el7.noarch
unresolved deps:
On rhel7 that's python-requests and there is no package providing python2-requests.
package: petsc-devel-3.8.3-2.el7.x86_64
unresolved deps:
package: petsc64-devel-3.8.3-2.el7.x86_64
unresolved deps:
There is no pkgconf in rhel7/epel7.
It was re-added to extras some days ago:
ansible was restored to rhel 7 extras. So deprecation of package should happen again on epel7.
Verified, issue I found is fixed.
Fix is: s/%{epoch}%{version}-%{release}/%{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}/
No, it's there - but one character is missing from the line causing totally invalid version number.
yaml-cpp in update has a packaging problem, obviously a typo in spec.
package: 1:yaml-cpp-static-0.5.1-1.el7.1.x86_64
unresolved deps:
yaml-cpp-devel(x86-64) = 0:10.5.1-1.el7.1
There are two dependencies which are not available on epel7.
Requirement js-jsquery-mousewheel is not available on epel7. is the version needed.
This update changes so version so it requires rebuild of packages depending on At least dislocker rebuild is needed on epel7.