python-vpoller-doc-0.7.3-3.el7.noarch requires /sbin/runscript which is not provided by any package.
unresolved deps:
Still deps missing.
unresolved deps:
There is no PyQt4 in epel7.
I checked epel7 packaged python36-* and only python36-tkinter from those deps is available. So getting this to epel7 would mean packaging all dependencies and changing packaging to conform epel7 style.
unresolved deps:
Sorry. rhel is python-isodate-0.5.4-8.el7. But that doesn't chane epel policy config situation.
python-isodate-0.5.4-1.el7 is in rhel - please retire this package and go for python3-isodate instead.
FTBFS on mock when using epel6 testing.
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting ')' in /usr/share/php/TheSeer/Autoload/Application.php on line 89.
Not sure which one is broken, php-theseer-autload on testing or php-pear-CAS.
Thank you, this fixes the dep issue.
Package is not installable on el6 because it has dependency emacs-filesystem which is not available.
Because python36 rebuild vertica-python would need to be rebuild.
This upate obsoletes createrepo which is a rhel7 core package. That is not allowed by epel policy. Please remove that obsolete.
Package is not installable because it depends on two binaries whic hare not available on rhel6.
unresolved deps:
python34-psycopg2 has since been added but python2-psycompg2 is not available so vertica-python still needs fix for that.
There is a dependency issue:
combblas-mpich-devel-1.6.2-0.1.beta2.el7.x86_64 unresolved deps:
Virtual mpich-devel provide on mpich-3.0-devel doesn't include cpu arch. I guess it is better t odepend on mpich-3.0-devel(x86-64), package itself has correct provides.
I Don't see a new python-pyvirtualize build with fixed dependencies. I think you missed the point in my complaint before. Is this bettery way to show the issue?
python2-pyvirtualize-0.9-2.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch unresolved deps:
python34-pyvirtualize-0.9-2.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch unresolved deps:
python36-pyvirtualize-0.9-2.20181003git57d2307.el7.noarch unresolved deps:
This doesn't work on el7.
[/usr/lib/systemd/system/netatalk.service:17] Runtime directory is not valid, ignoring assignment: lock/netatalk
You should use tmpfiles on epel7 or PreStart command mkdir -p /run/lock/netatalk.
Afaik only problem which was a build dep missing has been fixed as a separate update FEDORA-EPEL-2018-22bb904daa
Yes, just do that. Only issue there has been resolved on separate update.