

FEDORA-2015-13553 created by rdieter 9 years ago for Fedora 22

Backport upstream copy-n-paste fixes.

This update has been submitted for testing by rdieter.

9 years ago

Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on i386. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/116861/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)

Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on x86_64. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/116861/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)

User Icon egreshko commented & provided feedback 9 years ago

After install no binary exists call konsole5. This breaks all the menu items. There is a konsole binary but starting it from the command line yeilds [egreshko@meimei ~]$ konsole konsole: symbol lookup error: /lib64/libkonsoleprivate.so.15: undefined symbol: _ZNK18QAbstractListModel7siblingEiiRK11QModelIndex

The comment about the konsole5 binary was obviously an error on my part. Not enough coffee,

odd, starts fine for me after install, you sure you quit any already-running konsole instances, prior to installing and running the new build?

rdieter, you need to expire the Qt 5.5 buildroot overrides and rebuild this, or add this to the 5.5 update group.

(By the way, why aren't we using dedicated build targets for Qt upgrades anymore, especially now with Qt 5 split packaging? Putting Qt into buildroot overrides used to cause lots of issues like this in the past, which is why we had stopped doing that.)

Sorry for that, I already expired all Qt5 build overrides and will use dedicated build target next time when doing Qt5 update.

This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 22 testing updates repository.

9 years ago
User Icon egreshko commented & provided feedback 9 years ago

Tested the rebuilt rpms and it is now working for me. copy/paste into an email working now without extraneous text.

Uh, konsole5 wasn't rebuilt. You probably just upgraded your qt5 to 5.5.

konsole5-15.04.3-2.fc22.1 is the rebuild, http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=677666, I'm just waiting for the current push to finish to update bodhi (here)

This update has been pushed to testing

9 years ago
User Icon dhgutteridge commented & provided feedback 9 years ago

(I see the version number gnat has been corrected too.)

rdieter edited this update. Removed build(s): konsole5-15.04.3-2.fc22.

9 years ago

This update has been submitted for testing by rdieter.

9 years ago
User Icon rdieter commented & provided feedback 9 years ago

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7 days
9 years ago
in testing
9 years ago
9 years ago
BZ#1235024 [REGRESSION] konsole copies unwanted text to clipboard

Automated Test Results