horde 5.2.4 * [mms] Make dynamic context menus scrollable if taller than the browser screen height (Bug #13833). * [jan] Fix horde-import-squirrelmail-prefs script (Bug #13780). * [jan] Don't instantiate notification system for RPC requests.
imp 6.2.7 * [jan] Fix regression with not being able to list users (Bug #13808). * [mms] Fix rebuilding the folder tree translations when the language is changed in a session (Bug #13821).
ingo 3.2.4 * [mms] Rate-limit filters drag/drop changes to prevent race conditions (Bug #13819). * [mms] Fix filter drag/drop ordering working in basic view (Bug #13820). * [mms] Maildir requires UTF7-IMAP encoding for folder names (Bug #13378).
turba 4.2.5 * [jan] Fix export format of tags to vCard 3.0 categories (Bug #13800).
kronolith 4.2.5 * [mjr] Fix generating calendar embed code (Bug #13828). * [jan] Don't wipe out whole calendars when PUTing individual events via WebDAV.
nag 4.2.4 * [jan] Don't list task lists without SHOW permissions (Bug #13837). * [jan] Use consistent checkbox. * [jan] Don't allow deletion of tasks with sub-tasks (Bug #13809). * [jan] Don't allow completion of tasks with incomplete sub-tasks and vice versa. * [jan] Don't wipe out whole task lists when PUTing individual tasks via WebDAV.
mnemo 4.2.5 * [mjr] Fix fatal error when using Mnemo without Nag installed. * [jan] Don't list notepads without SHOW permissions (Bug #13838). * [jan] Fix using custom SQL driver configuration. * [mjr] Fix truncation of body text when synchronizing over EAS when no truncationsize option is sent from client (Bug #13755).
Horde_Alarm 2.2.4 * [mms] Fix fatal errors when stored alarm data cannot be unserialized.
Horde_Core 2.19.0 * [jan] Fix notice when deleting identities. * [jan] Fix NoSQL database name setting getting lost during configuration. * [jan] Allow to configure multiple LDAP servers and timeout value. * [mjr] Fixes for using ActiveSync without email sync enabled on Android 5 (Niklas Forsdahl <niklas@creamarketing.com>). * [mms] Calling an application's changeLanguage method on language change now handled by Horde_Registry. * [jan] Support non-ascii latin characters as access keys. * [mms] Use more secure CBC block cipher mode when storing encrypted Blowfish data inside the session. * [mms] If compressing/packaging javascript files, don't use pre-compressed version (if one exists) when generating.
Horde_Crypt 2.5.3 * [jan] Make all PGP features locale-independent.
Horde_HashTable 1.2.2 * [jan] Add unit tests for Memcache and Redis backends.
Horde_Image 2.2.0 * [mjr] Improve stream handling in bundled EXIF driver (Request #13788). * [mms] Horde_Image_Exif_Bundled now supports reading data from a PHP stream, rather than a file.
Horde_Ldap 2.3.1 * [jan] Fix connection if using ldaps:// scheme (Bug #13858).
Horde_Ldap 2.3.0 * [jan] Fix error when using custom separators in Horde_Ldap_Utils::canonicalDN(). * [jan] Fix casefolding option not being passed to multivalued RDNs. * [jan] Fix exists() with multivalued RDNs. * [jan] Add 'timeout' parameter.
Horde_Prefs 2.7.2 * [mms] Removed unused 'password' parameter.
Horde_Rpc 2.1.3 * [jan] Fix return errors from jsonrpc requests.
Horde_Stream_Wrapper 2.1.2 * [mms] Fix possible infinite loop when reading from a combined stream.
Horde_Test 2.5.0 * [mjr] Add method to obtain all logged events.
Horde_Util 2.5.3 * [jan] Use grapheme functions in Horde_String if intl extension is available.
Horde_Vfs 2.2.2 * [jan] Fix updating quota when overwriting existing files. * [jan] Fix updating quota when using writeData() with FTP driver. * [jan] Fix setting permissions in Ssh2 driver (Bug #13783).
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2015-2037
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This update has been submitted for testing by remi.
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on i386. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/36767/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on x86_64. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/36767/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
remi has edited this update. New build(s): php-horde-Horde-Ldap-2.3.1-1.fc21. Removed build(s): php-horde-Horde-Ldap-2.3.0-1.fc21.
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on i386. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/36917/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
Taskotron: depcheck test PASSED on x86_64. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/36917/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 21 testing updates repository.
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 21 testing updates repository.
This update has been pushed to testing
This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for stable by remi.
Taskotron: upgradepath test PASSED on noarch. Result log: https://taskotron.fedoraproject.org/taskmaster//builders/x86_64/builds/39822/steps/runtask/logs/stdio (results are informative only)
This update is currently being pushed to the Fedora 21 stable updates repository.
This update has been pushed to stable