This release fixes building in order to harden the executables in accordance with distribution policy.
This release fixes processing --select-types and --sources long options. It also adds records for мон., عراق., and ελ. TLDs. It removes record for disfunct an. TLD server. It adds records for following generic TLDs: aaa., aarp., aco., amica., apple., aramco., arte., audi., author., beats., bms., boehringer., book., boots., bostik., bot., broadway., bugatti., buy., call., car., ceb., chanel., cipriani., circle., cityeats., clubmed., comsec., creditunion., csc., dell., fage., fairwinds., family., fast., ferrero., final., firestone., gea., giving., got., grainger., group., gucci., hyundai., insurance., jaguar., jot., joy., kia., kinder., lamborghini., landrover., lifestyle., like., linde., lixil., ltd., med., meo., moi., mom., mtr., mutuelle., norton., nowruz., obi., pin., ping., playstation., protection., read., rocher., room., rwe., safe., salon., sapo., sbs., security., seek., seven., sfr., sharp., shia., smile., stada., stc., stcgroup., stockholm., symantec., tab., tci., theatre., travelers., vana., verisign., vin., vip., virgin., viva., wine., xperia., yamaxun., zara., zero., 新闻., and ارامكو. It updates encoding specification for and servers.
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2015-58d03f30a9
Please login to add feedback.
This update has been submitted for testing by ppisar.
This update has obsoleted whois-5.2.11-1.fc23, and has inherited its bugs and notes.
works for me
This update has been pushed to testing.
all fine.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
Seems fine. LGTM.
This update has been pushed to stable.