This release fixes processing --select-types and --sources long options. It also adds records for мон., عراق., and ελ. TLDs. It removes record for disfunct an. TLD server. It adds records for following generic TLDs: aaa., aarp., aco., amica., apple., aramco., arte., audi., author., beats., bms., boehringer., book., boots., bostik., bot., broadway., bugatti., buy., call., car., ceb., chanel., cipriani., circle., cityeats., clubmed., comsec., creditunion., csc., dell., fage., fairwinds., family., fast., ferrero., final., firestone., gea., giving., got., grainger., group., gucci., hyundai., insurance., jaguar., jot., joy., kia., kinder., lamborghini., landrover., lifestyle., like., linde., lixil., ltd., med., meo., moi., mom., mtr., mutuelle., norton., nowruz., obi., pin., ping., playstation., protection., read., rocher., room., rwe., safe., salon., sapo., sbs., security., seek., seven., sfr., sharp., shia., smile., stada., stc., stcgroup., stockholm., symantec., tab., tci., theatre., travelers., vana., verisign., vin., vip., virgin., viva., wine., xperia., yamaxun., zara., zero., 新闻., and ارامكو. It updates encoding specification for and servers.
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This update has been obsoleted by whois-5.2.11-2.fc22.