Update to 8.1.5
Note that it is important not to miss this update as it's a required path to the next update of 8.2.X and if not applied will require manual intervention to update to this via koji before 8.2.X if skipped.
Be aware that contacts, calendar and documents apps were moved to the app store and will need to be re-enabled to download them from there, and that after each of these is enabled if there is existing data additional upgrades after enabling each app will be required.
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2016-271438cff3
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This update has been submitted for testing by jhogarth.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Update went flawlessly with an apache + postgres setup.
The packages installed without error and the upgrade process was triggered in the web interface. I'm giving this a pass because the core upgrade worked, however, there are two things to note:
Regarding my last comment, it looks like this is intentional, though they didn't really give end users much notice about it: https://github.com/owncloud/documentation/issues/826
@vwbusguy thanks for picking that up.
I'll add some additional notes to the update description and ensure I mention it in the next email I send the mailing lists.
It appears that after installing one of the apps moved to the store another upgrade command needs to be carried out to carry out the changes that app needs, and until that's done the next app can't be installed.
A little tedious but oh well at least it's only a few apps affected.
jhogarth edited this update.
I found the problem with the appstore. I had to add the following to my owncloud apache conf:
Redirect 301 /status.php /owncloud/status.php
It was otherwise checking for /status.php (at the root) rather than under /owncloud/ .
Everything seems to be good to me for this update.
@vwbusguy that's really quite odd. All my testing has been done with it installed in the default /owncloud/ namespace that we configure and I don't see that behaviour on my own server.
Could you please log a bugzilla ticket and/or join me on IRC when you can to check a few things.
It really should not be breaking out of the /owncloud/ namespace.
Upgrade on Fedora worked, but calendar and contacts was gone as owncloud was not able to reach its appstore. Only after really stopping and starting httpd (instead of reloading) the new certificate was detected and I was able to get updated versions of calendar and contacts. Enabling the older contacts and calendar applications made owncloud completely non-functional. I had to move the contacts and calendar folder manually away and disable those application on the commandline. It was also necessary to run the occ upgrade command three times. Once after the owncloud upgrade. Once after contacts enablement and once after calendar enablement. So the core update worked without problems but not the upgrade of especially those two applications (calendar and contacts).
This update has reached 7 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for stable by jhogarth.
This update has been pushed to stable.