This release fixes parsing response. It also updates allocated IPv4 ranges, it adds recoreds for domains adac., alibaba., alipay., ally., analytics., avianca., aws., baidu., barefoot., bcg., bosch., chase., clinique., compare., contact., coupon., dealer., deloitte., dubai., edeka., extraspace., flickr., ford., fox., fresenius., frontier., gallo., gallup., gmbh., hdfcbank., health., helsinki., iselect., jmp., jpmorgan., kerryhotels., kerrylogistics., kerryproperties., kfh., kpn., kuokgroup., lamer., lanxess., lifeinsurance., lincoln., living., locus., makeup., mobily., natura., nikon., origins., pamperedchef., pars., passagens., pid., promo., pwc., quest., redumbrella., rexroth., safety., sas., schaeffler., select., shaw., shell., skin., softbank., song., spot., star., statefarm., storage., storage., stream., talk., taobao., telecity., tiffany., tmall., total., travelersinsurance., trv., tube., tunes., tushu., tvs., unicom., viking., volkswagen., vuelos., wanggou., watches., weather., weatherchannel., weber., wolterskluwer., yahoo., you., セール., 联通., ファッション., ストア., ポイント., 家電., 购物., クラウド., 诺基亚., 食品., 手表., موبايلي., همراه., بيتك., 珠宝., 書籍., 嘉里大酒店., ею., and 澳門. It also updates records for domains cat., jobs., pro., gi., kn., lc., mo., sc. and vc.
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2016-a56434fe7f
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This update has been submitted for testing by ppisar.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
works as expected.
This update has been pushed to stable.