Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2017-7f87282026
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0 | 1 | Test Case firefox addons |
0 | 2 | Test Case firefox browse |
0 | 2 | Test Case firefox media |
0 | 0 | Test Case firefox screenshot |
0 | 0 | Test Case User:Sr02mu/Draft/firefox bookmark |
This update has been submitted for testing by stransky.
This update has obsoleted firefox-57.0-0.3.fc27, and has inherited its bugs and notes.
stransky edited this update.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Works fine!
This update has been submitted for batched by bodhi.
New firefox-57.0-0.4.fc27.x86_64 should obsolete mozilla-adblockplus.noarch, as the legacy AdBlock Plus plugin does not work with ff 57+.
karma: +1
mozilla-adblockplus.noarch can be used by seamonkey/IceCat.
stransky edited this update.
New build(s):
Removed build(s):
Karma has been reset.
This update has been submitted for testing by stransky.
Still works fine.
works fine
This update has been pushed to testing.
to get Adblock PLus to work in 57 you must use the DEVELOPMENT version of Adblock Plus which can be found on AMO https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/adblock-plus/?src=hp-dl-mostpopular an scroll down to Development Channel
works for me
This update has been submitted for batched by bodhi.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
This update has been pushed to stable.