The 4.11.6 update contains a number of important fixes across the tree, including the recently announced "stack clash"
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2017-d7bc1b3056
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0 | 4 | Test Case kernel regression |
This update has been submitted for testing by labbott.
Works fine, x86_64, GNOME (CPU: Intel Core2 Quad Q8400, RAM: 8 GiB, GPU: AMD RV635).
Testing this to patch CVE-2017-1000364 but I can't verify that it's actually patched...
Ran the kernel regression test, passed.
tested on my workstation
desktop 16GB Intel i7-3770 CPU using the Mate Desktop on reboot, went straight to the GRUB prompt - no sign of my RAID-6 (5 spinning discs) nor my SSD where /boot resides
Works on a Digital Ocean cloud instance just fine
works on Fedora Atomic Host running openshift origin - also passes atomic host tests:
This update has been pushed to testing.
works for me in a VM
This update has been submitted for stable by labbott.
This update has been pushed to stable.
No regressions noted.