Upstream bugs fixed ( 65453, 71251, 71638, 71834, 71965, 77414, 77691, 78489, 78651, 79929, 80778, 81311, 81647, 82518, 82989, 83126, 83789, 84610, 84615, 84635, 84642, 84643, 84729, 84760, 84761, 84789, 84804, 84811, 84812, 84825, 84826, 84835, 84836, 84838, 84845, 84850, 84854, 84856, 84859, 84875, 84892, 84913, 84922, 84925, 84927, 84929, 84931, 84933, 84937, 84941, 84942, 84945, 84946, 84952, 84953, 84954, 84956, 84957, 84960, 84961, 84962, 84963, 84969, 84970, 84972, 84978, 84982, 84986, 84988, 84989, 84990, 84994, 84998, 84999, 85001, 85007, 85008, 85015, 85018, 85020, 85022, 85025, 85026, 85029, 85030, 85033, 85034, 85036, 85040, 85045
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sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2018-24505f7c35
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This update has been submitted for testing by jakub.
This fixes the problem with root reported in 1560841. I'm impressed how fast it was fixed. It takes me longer than that just to compile gcc!
karma: +1
This update has been pushed to testing.
Fixed major regression reported by me.
Fix segfault during pecl/grpc build.
Regression fixed.
This update has been submitted for batched by bodhi.
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
This update has been pushed to stable.