Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2018-276558ff6f
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0 | 4 | Test Case firefox addons |
0 | 9 | Test Case firefox browse |
0 | 7 | Test Case firefox media |
0 | 0 | Test Case firefox screenshot |
0 | 0 | Test Case User:Sr02mu/Draft/firefox bookmark |
This update has been submitted for testing by stransky.
karma: +1
It work ok.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Sorry for repeated records.
This update has been submitted for batched by bodhi.
works as expected
Where is the update for Fedora 26?
This works for me. Can we push it out more quickly than waiting for the batch, due to the high profile of the issues it mitigates?
No regressions noted.
this update is really urgent, i hope it gets out soon.
karma: +1
For F26: koji download-build --arch=x86_64 firefox-57.0.4-1.fc26 sudo dnf install firefox-57.0.4-1.fc26.x86_64.rpm
Please push to stable :)
Voting for a faster push, too, since other distros already pushed the update without user complains.
Fedora seems to lack some agility when pushing urgent security updates... There should be a way to get things like this to stable faster (or maybe it was just overseen). Anyways, I hope, it gets pushed soon :)
karma: +1
So many people I know have had to download the rpm manually from koji because the update hasn't been fast-tracked. This is not an ideal workflow, and I hope it gets improved.
karma: +1
This update has been submitted for stable by kevin.
This update has been pushed to stable.