
sugar-0.113-2.fc30, sugar-artwork-0.113-1.fc30, & 12 more

FEDORA-2019-98a501f843 created by pbrobinson 5 years ago for Fedora 30

Update to 0.113 to fix Collaboration which apparently is completely broken in F-30. Various matching Activity updates for the core fix.

Logout Required
After installing this update it is required that you logout of your current user session and log back in to ensure the changes supplied by this update are applied properly.

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2019-98a501f843

This update has been submitted for testing by pbrobinson.

5 years ago

pbrobinson edited this update.

5 years ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

5 years ago
User Icon satellit commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

did not start in cinnamon branched .0411 x86 bare metal install of sugar-runner and dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop-environment (T-400 bios) boot. logout login to sugar and education sugar (sugar-runner) both failed to start.

Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.

5 years ago
User Icon satellit commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

install with fmw usb: branched Fedora-SoaS-Live-x86_64-30-20190418.n.0.iso to bios boot T-400 dnf config-manager --set-enabled updates-testing dnf update shows f30 sugar .013 on bare metal install does not start sugar ; reverts to sugar login after reboot (fedora 5.0.0-300 fc30)

pbrobinson edited this update.

New build(s):

  • sugar-toolkit-gtk3-0.113-2.fc30

Removed build(s):

  • sugar-toolkit-gtk3-0.113-1.fc30

Karma has been reset.

5 years ago

This update has been submitted for testing by pbrobinson.

5 years ago
User Icon danniel commented & provided feedback 5 years ago


User Icon aperezbios commented & provided feedback 5 years ago


This update has been pushed to testing.

5 years ago
User Icon aperezbios commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

Sugar starts, however there is a known (not to me until today) post-0.113 release bug that needs a small patch. Without this, Sugar completely fails to start. We (Sugar Labs) should/will incorporate this in to a new release (0.114), but until then, this makes the existing 0.113 package functional:

curl -q | tail -182 | patch -p2 -d /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

Please note that the trailing / after .patch is mandatory, otherwise the patch will fail to fetch with curl.

Testers can apply this patch manually after install of an F30 SoaS build by first installing patch (dnf install patch), and then running the above piped command set.

BZ#1660597 does not show XO 's in f1 Network neighborhood
BZ#1676078 sugar-toolkit-gtk3: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f30
BZ#1701593 Collaboration/presence completely broken in Sugar 0.112 with SoaS

pbrobinson edited this update.

New build(s):

  • sugar-0.113-2.fc30

Removed build(s):

  • sugar-0.113-1.fc30

Karma has been reset.

5 years ago

This update has been submitted for testing by pbrobinson.

5 years ago

pbrobinson edited this update.

5 years ago
User Icon satellit commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

f30 Cinnamon Fedora-Cinnamon-Live-x86_64-30-20190422.n.0.iso in Fedora MediaWriter USB install to T-400 dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop-environment dnf install sugar-runner dnf install patch curl -q | tail -182 | patch -p2 -d /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

Sugar control panel/About my computer: Fedora release 30 (Thirty) Sugar: 0.113 Sugar control panel/Network: XO show in F1 network neighborhood (wireless connected) unable to test invited friend to chat (maybe because are mainly spanish speakers ((Ceibal))

BZ#1660597 does not show XO 's in f1 Network neighborhood
User Icon satellit commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

Also works on logout of sugar-runner login to sugar note sugar-runner settings for did not transfer and had to be re-entered to see XO's in F1 network neighborhood (T-400 wireless) karma already given see above^

User Icon satellit commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

efi install to yoga-pro HD:

f30 Cinnamon Fedora-Cinnamon-Live-x86_64-30-20190422.n.0.iso in Fedora MediaWriter USB install to T-400 dnf groupinstall sugar-desktop-environment dnf install sugar-runner dnf install patch curl -q | tail -182 | patch -p2 -d /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/

Sugar control panel/About my computer: Fedora release 30 (Thirty) Sugar: 0.113 Sugar control panel/Network: XO show in F1 network neighborhood (wireless connected) unable to test invited friend to chat (maybe because are mainly spanish speakers ((Ceibal))

sees another XO satellit sugar.0113 bios boot T-400 made friend; invite to join chat not received

BZ#1660597 does not show XO 's in f1 Network neighborhood

pbrobinson edited this update.

5 years ago
User Icon lruzicka commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

I cannot confirm that it works. I have installed the latest Workstation-Live (20190422) and then installed Sugar by using `dnf groupinstall "Sugar Desktop Environment". Then I could start my Sugar session. After I upgraded to the 113 version, I cannot log in. I tested several times in virtual machines.

This update has been pushed to testing.

5 years ago

Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.

5 years ago
User Icon aperezbios commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

Confirmed, sugar does not start.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

It seems to work OK here? I tried to do the same as @lruzicka:

  1. Start from up-to-date stable F30 Workstation
  2. Install Sugar desktop env group from stable (112), verify I can log in, log out back to GNOME
  3. Update all packages from this update (113-2)
  4. Log back into Sugar

That worked fine here, it did not fail, I am sitting at the Sugar 'desktop' right now, with the packages from this update.

User Icon aperezbios commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

I was apparently not testing with the second-revision 0.113 packages. Everything seems to be working, now that I've cleared metadata and gotten the correct packages.

BZ#1660597 does not show XO 's in f1 Network neighborhood
BZ#1668504 index.html in browse is broken
BZ#1676078 sugar-toolkit-gtk3: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f30
BZ#1701593 Collaboration/presence completely broken in Sugar 0.112 with SoaS
User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

@lruzicka @aperezbios can you confirm whether you tested with 0.113-1 or 0.113-2? Thanks!

This update has been submitted for batched by pbrobinson.

5 years ago

This update has been submitted for stable by pbrobinson.

5 years ago
User Icon aperezbios commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

@adamwill I tested with 0.113-2.

User Icon fgrose commented & provided feedback 5 years ago

tested with sugar-runner-0.110.0-8.fc30.x86_64 xorg-x11-server-Xephyr-1.20.4-3.fc30.x86_64

BZ#1660597 does not show XO 's in f1 Network neighborhood
BZ#1668504 index.html in browse is broken
BZ#1676078 sugar-toolkit-gtk3: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f30

This update has been pushed to stable.

5 years ago

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Autopush Settings
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
5 years ago
in testing
5 years ago
in stable
5 years ago
5 years ago
BZ#1660597 does not show XO 's in f1 Network neighborhood
BZ#1668504 index.html in browse is broken
BZ#1676078 sugar-toolkit-gtk3: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f30
BZ#1701593 Collaboration/presence completely broken in Sugar 0.112 with SoaS

Automated Test Results