Transaction test error:
file /usr/lib64/avogadro2/scripts from install of avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-3.fc32.x86_64
conflicts with file from package avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-1.fc32.x86_64
avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-3.fc32 ?
That error was fixed with avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-4.fc32, it's among these updates...
This comment is wrong. Sorry.
I meant the error was fixed with release avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-3; it's working on F31 and on mock-F32-root. So, i don't understand why does not work for you.
This update has been submitted for testing by sagitter.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-3.fc32 ?
That error was fixed with avogadro2-libs-1.93.0-4.fc32, it's among these updates...
It's not pulls up for a few of weeks and
does no respond for --allowerasing --best --skip-brokenTransactions are going only after --exclude avogadro2-libs
This comment is wrong. Sorry.
I meant the error was fixed with release
; it's working on F31 and on mock-F32-root. So, i don't understand why does not work for you.This update has been pushed to stable.