
grep-3.4-5.fc33 and kbd-2.3.0-2.fc33

FEDORA-2020-81fea835a4 created by adamwill 4 years ago for Fedora 33

This update backports a change to the behaviour of grep -L that, more or less, returns it to the behaviour from grep 3.1. Changes in grep 3.2 and 3.3 introduced some consequences that people found bizarre, and the change in 3.3 also broke zgrep -L.

The zgrep -L bug actually caused a problem in kbd, which is why that package is also in this update. The kbd spec relies on a zgrep -L call to filter out console keyboard maps converted from xkb maps which cannot input ASCII. These are usually layouts for inputting non-Latin alphabets which, in graphical environments, the user expects to switch with a Latin-capable layout; there is no corresponding ability to easily switch between console layouts, so there are usually 'internally switchable' layouts for the languages that use those alphabets, which use modifier keys to allow inputting of both the Latin alphabet and the 'native' alphabet within a single console layout. We do not want to 'override' these carefully built 'legacy' console layouts with converted xkb layouts that cannot input Latin characters at all, so we intend to strip those from the shipped package.

However, because kbd-2.3.0-1.fc33 was built with the broken zgrep -L behaviour, the zgrep -L call which is supposed to strip non-Latin-capable layouts instead left those in but stripped out a bunch of other layouts, so the set of console layouts shipped in kbd-misc-2.3.0-1.fc33 was very badly wrong. The kbd-misc-2.3.0-2.fc33 build in this update corrects this and includes the correct set of layouts.

The bug meant that many languages which should use an 'internally switchable' console layout, including Russian, instead got a broken xkb-converted layout which could not input Latin characters. This could render encrypted or console-only installs difficult or impossible to use at all.

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2020-81fea835a4

This update has been submitted for testing by adamwill.

4 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

4 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.

4 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

4 years ago
User Icon scorreia commented & provided feedback 4 years ago

Thanks, now I have br-thinkpad again and my laptop is happy.

BZ#1863830 grep: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f33
BZ#1872913 zgrep -l / zgrep -L behaviour broken in Fedora 33+
BZ#1872922 xkb-converted console layouts that cannot input ASCII not stripped due to grep / zgrep -L bug ; causes several languages to have broken console layouts
User Icon geraldosimiao commented & provided feedback 4 years ago

Solved the error with the previous version of kbd here.

BZ#1872922 xkb-converted console layouts that cannot input ASCII not stripped due to grep / zgrep -L bug ; causes several languages to have broken console layouts

This update has been pushed to testing.

4 years ago

This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

4 years ago

This update has been submitted for stable by adamwill.

4 years ago
User Icon frantisekz commented & provided feedback 4 years ago

Seems okay

This update has been pushed to stable.

4 years ago

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Autopush Settings
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
14 days
4 years ago
in testing
4 years ago
in stable
4 years ago
BZ#1863830 grep: FTBFS in Fedora rawhide/f33
BZ#1872913 zgrep -l / zgrep -L behaviour broken in Fedora 33+
BZ#1872922 xkb-converted console layouts that cannot input ASCII not stripped due to grep / zgrep -L bug ; causes several languages to have broken console layouts

Automated Test Results