

FEDORA-2020-caae9d7741 created by hobbes1069 4 years ago for Fedora 31

Change default from firewalld-ipset to firewalld-rich-rules, fixes #1823746.

ver. 0.11.1 (2020/01/11) - this-is-the-way


  • to v.0.10:
  • 0.11 is totally compatible to 0.10 (configuration- and API-related stuff), but the database got some new tables and fields (auto-converted during the first start), so once updated to 0.11, you have to remove the database /var/lib/fail2ban/fail2ban.sqlite3 (or its different to 0.10 schema) if you would need to downgrade to 0.10 for some reason.
  • to v.0.9:
  • Filter (or failregex) internal capture-groups:

    • If you've your own failregex or custom filters using conditional match (?P=host), you should rewrite the regex like in example below resp. using (?:(?P=ip4)|(?P=ip6) instead of (?P=host) (or (?:(?P=ip4)|(?P=ip6)|(?P=dns)) corresponding your usedns and raw settings).

    Of course you can always define your own capture-group (like below _cond_ip_) to do this. testln="1500000000 failure from bad host" fail2ban-regex "$testln" "^\s*failure from (?P<_cond_ip_><HOST>): bad host (?P=_cond_ip_)$" * New internal groups (currently reserved for internal usage): ip4, ip6, dns, fid, fport, additionally user and another captures in lower case if mapping from tag <F-*> used in failregex (e. g. user by <F-USER>).

  • v.0.10 and 0.11 use more precise date template handling, that can be theoretically incompatible to some user configurations resp. datepattern.

  • Since v0.10 fail2ban supports the matching of IPv6 addresses, but not all ban actions are IPv6-capable now.


  • purge database will be executed now (within observer).
  • restoring currently banned ip after service restart fixed (now < timeofban + bantime), ignore old log failures (already banned)
  • upgrade database: update new created table bips with entries from table bans (allows restore current bans after upgrade from version <= 0.10)

New Features

  • Increment ban time (+ observer) functionality introduced.
  • Database functionality extended with bad ips.
  • New tags (usable in actions):
  • <bancount> - ban count of this offender if known as bad (started by 1 for unknown)
  • <bantime> - current ban-time of the ticket (prolongation can be retarded up to 10 sec.)
  • Introduced new action command actionprolong to prolong ban-time (e. g. set new timeout if expected); Several actions (like ipset, etc.) rewritten using net logic with actionprolong. Note: because ban-time is dynamic, it was removed from jail.conf as timeout argument (check jail.local).


  • algorithm of restore current bans after restart changed: update the restored ban-time (and therefore end of ban) of the ticket with ban-time of jail (as maximum), for all tickets with ban-time greater (or persistent); not affected if ban-time of the jail is unchanged between stop/start.
  • added new setup-option --without-tests to skip building and installing of tests files (gh-2287).
  • added new command fail2ban-client get <JAIL> banip ?sep-char|--with-time? to get the banned ip addresses (gh-1916).

Include selinux policy in package

How to install

Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:

sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2020-caae9d7741

This update has been submitted for testing by hobbes1069.

4 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.

4 years ago

This update has obsoleted fail2ban-0.11.1-1.fc31, and has inherited its bugs and notes.

4 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

4 years ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

4 years ago

This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

4 years ago

This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.

4 years ago

This update has been pushed to stable.

4 years ago
User Icon robbiethek commented & provided feedback 4 years ago

With recidive jail enabled with bantime = -1 I see these failures with banaction = firewallcmd-rich-rules in [DEFAULT]

2020-04-30 11:42:06,772 fail2ban.actions [941370]: NOTICE [recidive] Restore Ban

2020-04-30 11:42:07,232 fail2ban.utils [941370]: ERROR 7f52537d2580 -- exec: ports="0:65535"; for p in $(echo $ports | tr ", " " "); do firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' port port='$p' protocol='tcp' reject type='icmp-port-unreachable'"; done

2020-04-30 11:42:07,232 fail2ban.utils [941370]: ERROR 7f52537d2580 -- stderr: 'Error: INVALID_PORT: 0:65535'

2020-04-30 11:42:07,232 fail2ban.utils [941370]: ERROR 7f52537d2580 -- returned 102

2020-04-30 11:42:07,232 fail2ban.actions [941370]: ERROR Failed to execute ban jail 'recidive' action 'firewallcmd-rich-rules' info 'ActionInfo({'ip': '', 'family': 'inet4', 'fid': <function Actions.ActionInfo.\<lambda> at 0x7f52537e2680>, 'raw-ticket': <function Actions.ActionInfo.\<lambda> at 0x7f52537e2d40>})': Error banning

2020-04-30 11:42:07,233 fail2ban.actions [941370]: NOTICE [recidive] Restore Ban

2020-04-30 11:42:07,695 fail2ban.utils [941370]: ERROR 7f52537d2580 -- exec: ports="0:65535"; for p in $(echo $ports | tr ", " " "); do firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule="rule family='ipv4' source address='' port port='$p' protocol='tcp' reject type='icmp-port-unreachable'"; done 2020-04-30 11:42:07,696 fail2ban.utils [941370]: ERROR 7f52537d2580 -- stderr: 'Error: INVALID_PORT: 0:65535'

2020-04-30 11:42:07,696 fail2ban.utils [941370]: ERROR 7f52537d2580 -- returned 102

2020-04-30 11:42:07,696 fail2ban.actions [941370]: ERROR Failed to execute ban jail 'recidive' action 'firewallcmd-rich-rules' info 'ActionInfo({'ip': '', 'family': 'inet4', 'fid': <function Actions.ActionInfo.\<lambda> at 0x7f52537e2680>, 'raw-ticket': <function Actions.ActionInfo.\<lambda> at 0x7f52537e2d40>})': Error banning 2020-04-30 11:42:07,696 fail2ban.actions [941370]: NOTICE [recidive] Restore Ban

fail2ban-client get sshd banip ?sep-char|--with-time?

-bash: --with-time?: command not found

2020-04-30 11:48:31,235 fail2ban [944560]: ERROR [Errno 32] Broken pipe Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/bin/fail2ban-client", line 37, in <module> exec_command_line(sys.argv)

File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fail2ban/client/", line 502, in exec_command_line exit(255)

File "/usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/fail2ban/client/", line 317, in exit sys.stdout.flush()

BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Exception ignored in: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='<stdout>' mode='w' encoding='UTF-8'>

BrokenPipeError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

User Icon robbiethek commented & provided feedback 4 years ago

As noted in the BZ entry, you can use port = 0-65535 for the port option.

However I could not get the recidive jail to work with this and had to use the iptables options.

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
7 days
4 years ago
in testing
4 years ago
in stable
4 years ago
BZ#1823746 fail2ban-firewalld default action uses unsupport direct rule, should use rich-rule

Automated Test Results