Release Notes - Xerces-C++ - Version 3.2.3
** Bug
* [XERCESC-1963] - Custom HTTP headers missing with CURL NetAccessor
* [XERCESC-2126] - Type Confusion from DTDGrammar to SchemaGrammar
* [XERCESC-2146] - Patch to build with older GCC
* [XERCESC-2155] - fix build without pthread
* [XERCESC-2158] - XMLUTF8Transcoder: One multibyte UTF8 character is swallowed from the srcData when the resulting surrogate pair does not fit in toFill at the end
* [XERCESC-2160] - Postpone freeing the memory being used by CURL
* [XERCESC-2161] - No rule to make target '/src/xercesc/util/MsgLoaders/MsgCatalog/XercesMessages_en_US.Msg'
* [XERCESC-2168] - Memory leak in ValueVectorOf
* [XERCESC-2172] - There is an error in the parameters of the ThreadTtest8 script in Apache xerces-c++ XML's tests/script
* [XERCESC-2176] - Incorrect symbolic links created for Linux static library and MacOS static and shared libraries
* [XERCESC-2177] - invalid windows version check for onXPOrLater
* [XERCESC-2180] - Handle surrogate pairs when reading a QName instead of ASSERTing
* [XERCESC-2185] - Janitor.hpp fails to compile on Solaris with Solaris Studio 12.2 and 12.4
* [XERCESC-2186] - undef symbols on HPUX for ArrayJanitor
* [XERCESC-2187] - DOM tests crash on AIX
* [XERCESC-2189] - XMLChar with NEED_TO_GEN_TABLE has 2 buffer out of bounds reads
* [XERCESC-2194] - Including Xerces_autoconf_config.hpp on Windows fails due to undefined ssize_t
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