KDE Plasma 5.20.4 update. See https://kde.org/announcements/plasma-5.20.4/ for more information.
Updates may require up to 24 hours to propagate to mirrors. If the following command doesn't work, please retry later:
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh --advisory=FEDORA-2020-ed0ce49fea
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This update has been submitted for testing by jgrulich.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
hello @jgrulich
the plasma-disks is still missing from the package list
thank you for this update
This update has been pushed to testing.
After the upgrade logout process is taking a little longer than usual, not sure if it's related, need more testing.
Now the login screen sddm doesn't show any background anymore (just a white canvas), I tried to choose the default background after login, and then when I logout it isn't there, nor if I shutdown an reboot. Will search bugzilla if this is already reported.
Bare metal install on Acer Aspire V3-571 v: V2.11 CPU: Quad Core Intel Core i7-3632QM GPU: Intel 3rd Gen Core processor Graphics Controller Desktop: KDE Plasma 5.20.4 KDE frameworks: 5.75.0 Qt: 5.15.2 Kernel: 5.9.12-200
Regarding the white screen with sddm, I have it with every update. I select the wallpaper again in the settings and the problem disappears.
Hi @micmor, for me it was the same, but on this last update this change was not persistent. It was the same behavior as described on this bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1900553 So I changed the sddm theme "breeze-fedora (0.2)" to "breeze (0.1)" and now it works fine. If I change back to "breeze-fedora (0.2)" the problem happens again. So, not a big problem, but it's annoying.
Unable to disconnect from desktop. Pressing the disconnect icon, shutdown or reboot does not produce anything. Xorg
Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.
On reboot: Shutdown, Reboot, Lock icons re-work. To be tested in time
jgrulich edited this update.
New build(s):
Karma has been reset.
This update has been submitted for testing by jgrulich.
Thank You for plasma-disks
rdieter edited this update.
Plasma-disks working.
This update has been pushed to testing.
This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
All the daily desktop usage stuff has been working great
This update has been submitted for stable by jgrulich.
This update has been submitted for stable by jgrulich.
This update has been pushed to stable.