

FEDORA-2024-005e25c6dc created by marcdeop 5 months ago for Fedora 40

Update to 3.0.0

This update has been submitted for testing by marcdeop.

5 months ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

5 months ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

5 months ago
User Icon carasin commented & provided feedback 5 months ago

It doesn't run.

$ LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 amarok
QObject::connect: No such signal Phonon::VLC::MediaObject::angleChanged(int)
QObject::connect: No such signal Phonon::VLC::MediaObject::availableAnglesChanged(int)
Got ERROR: "Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist" errno: 2000
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
KCrash: Application 'amarok' crashing...
The Wayland connection experienced a fatal error: Bad file descriptor

Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.

5 months ago

This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

5 months ago
User Icon geraldosimiao commented & provided feedback 5 months ago

Installed and working fine:

Operating System: Fedora Linux 40
KDE Plasma Version: 6.0.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 6.1.0
Qt Version: 6.7.0
Kernel Version: 6.8.9-300.fc40.x86_64 (64-bit)
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Processors: 8 × Intel® Core™ i7-3632QM CPU @ 2.20GHz
Memory: 15.4 GiB of RAM
Graphics Processor: Mesa Intel® HD Graphics 4000
BZ#2277892 amarok 3.0 has been released
User Icon geraldosimiao commented & provided feedback 5 months ago

just for the records: I can succesfully open and use amarok both ways, clicking on the icon at the start menu or open konsole and running "amarok" at the terminal. In both cases I can see that some warn messages in the system log, but the program runs fine, still.
This are the messages when I run "amarok" at the terminal:

geraldo@rivotril ~> amarok
Got ERROR: "Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.servers' doesn't exist" errno: 2000
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Context dock/ContextDock) Negative sizes (400,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (0,-1) are not possible
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Playlist dock/Playlist::Dock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
kf.kio.workers.http: Can't communicate with kded_kcookiejar!
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
kf.kio.workers.http: Can't communicate with kded_kcookiejar!
QMetaObject::invokeMethod: No such method App::onWsError(lastfm::ws::Error)
QWidget::setMinimumSize: (Media Sources dock/BrowserDock) Negative sizes (200,-1) are not possible
Calling appendChild() on a null node does nothing.
User Icon robert commented & provided feedback 5 months ago

Works nicely on Fedora 40 (upgraded from Fedora 38 to 40). The MySQL errors are related to the local MariaDB or MySQL setup (e.g. missing mysql_upgrade), not to Amarok itself.

BZ#2277892 amarok 3.0 has been released

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.

3 months ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

3 months ago

This update has been obsoleted by amarok-3.0.1-1.fc40.

3 months ago

Please login to add feedback.

Content Type
Test Gating
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
5 months ago
in testing
5 months ago
BZ#2277892 amarok 3.0 has been released

Automated Test Results