

FEDORA-2024-408be92ac3 created by luya 10 months ago for Fedora 40

New release with final version of default background for Fedora 40

This update has been submitted for testing by luya.

10 months ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.

10 months ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.

10 months ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'failed'.

10 months ago
User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

so we really have a bit of a mess now, unfortunately.

We've had an RC since Sunday which has undergone extensive testing and looks pretty solid. There are no outstanding blockers at present, outside of the backgrounds. Go/no-go meeting is in ~46 hours. It takes ~9 hours to run a compose ATM. If we try to do a new RC now for this, we will realistically have maximum 36 hours to test it, and it opens the question of whether we should pull in various FE fixes as well. I really don't want to put releng and the rest of the quality team through that mill unnecessarily.

But, now we have this update, and the changed backgrounds have already gone into Rawhide as of now (unless we untag them), so Rawhide has different "Fedora 40" backgrounds than Fedora 40 does.

I don't think we have ever shipped a complete redesign of the backgrounds post-release before. So I'm not sure it would be a good idea to release with the Beta backgrounds, then ship this as a post-release update which suddenly changes the background completely for folks on release. If we ship with the backgrounds from Beta I think it might be safer to stick with them for the rest of the cycle.

Really not sure what to do here...tagging @kevin and @mattdm for opinions, maybe.

User Icon adamwill commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

this currently fails gating because there's an openQA test that checks the backgrounds and I have not yet told it that these new backgrounds are "OK". I think I'm going to intentionally leave things in that state until we've decided whether we actually want to land these new backgrounds in F40 or not.

User Icon kevin commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

At this point, I am inclined to just say 'too late' (unless we hit another blocker).

I'd say also not to change things post release.

I'm sorry about this situation, but I don't think we should do another RC and hero testing... having just one release where we don't do that is a welcome novelty.

User Icon catanzaro commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

I would revert the update in rawhide. Wallpapers should be ready before beta freeze.

User Icon mattdm commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

Oh, wow! That's a big change. We've made big changes before, but I don't want to push people into "hero testing". My suggestion at this point is to revert the F40 backgrounds, and make the new one the F41 background -- as rawhide is F41 currently anyway.

But then, start on the F42 backgrounds soonish, with the goal of landing them in rawhide shortly after 2024-08-06 (that is, this August!). And so on for F43 in February 2025 (before the F42 release!). That way, a) Rawhide always (give or take a few days) has different wallpaper from the branch and release and b) we're never at risk of getting close to the release without the backgrounds being ready to go.

User Icon luya commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

I agree with mattdm and adamw. Based on feedback, I unpush the change and bring the reverted version.

User Icon amoloney commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

Thank you for your understanding @luya. FWIW the F41 schedule for when wallpapers are needed can be found here https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-41/f-41-design-tasks.html to keep these dates in mind for the next release.

The F40 wallpapers were due by 30th Jan as listed in the F40 design schedule https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/f-40/f-40-design-tasks.html.

I will also be running a retrospective once F40 is released to understand the painpoints in the release cycle for various teams, I will absolutely extend an invite to you or whoever you think is best from the design team in case you have items you would like to talk about and try to improve on for F41. Let me know where I can drop the date for this meeting to once I have it organised so design can attend. Thanks!

User Icon luya commented & provided feedback 10 months ago

That will be great @amolomey. Madeline Peck will be the best contact for Design team and the link is on https://gitlab.com/fedora/design

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Test Gating
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14 days
10 months ago
BZ#2275209 Intended final backgrounds for Fedora 40 are not included

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