The following dnf problem with python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40 and python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40 prevented updating to python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40 due to a conflict with their version requirements.
Problem: package python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40.noarch from @System requires ((python3.12dist(cryptography) < 40 or python3.12dist(cryptography) > 40) with (python3.12dist(cryptography) < 40.0.1 or python3.12dist(cryptography) > 40.0.1) with python3.12dist(cryptography) < 42~~ with python3.12dist(cryptography) >= 38), but none of the providers can be installed
- cannot install both python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40.x86_64 from updates-testing and python3-cryptography-41.0.7-1.fc40.x86_64 from @System
- cannot install both python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40.x86_64 from updates-testing and python3-cryptography-41.0.7-1.fc40.x86_64 from fedora
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40.noarch
- cannot install the best update candidate for package python3-cryptography-41.0.7-1.fc40.x86_64
- cannot install both python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40.x86_64 from updates-testing and python3-cryptography-41.0.7-1.fc40.x86_64 from @System
- cannot install both python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40.x86_64 from updates-testing and python3-cryptography-41.0.7-1.fc40.x86_64 from fedora
- não é possível instalar o melhor candidato à atualização para o pacote python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40.noarch
- não é possível instalar o melhor candidato à atualização para o pacote python3-cryptography-41.0.7-1.fc40.x86_64
BZ#2251816 python-cryptography-42.0.5 is available
BZ#2269618 CVE-2024-26130 python-cryptography: NULL pointer dereference with pkcs12.serialize_key_and_certificates when called with a non-matching certificate and private key and an hmac_hash override [fedora-all]
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This update has been submitted for testing by cheimes.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'waiting'.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'failed'.
See .
This update has been pushed to testing.
Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.
The following dnf problem with python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40 and python3-pyOpenSSL-23.2.0-3.fc40 prevented updating to python3-cryptography-42.0.5-1.fc40 due to a conflict with their version requirements.
I reported this at
Let's retract this update. We need to update PyOpenSSL and investigate + fix several other packages that may have a bad upper limit.
This update has been unpushed.
Yes, confirmed here too: