Due to the age of this package, it should not be added to EPEL. If you feel this package should still be in EPEL, please rebuilt it and submit another update request.
Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.
This update has been submitted for testing by elwell.
This update has obsoleted libfap-1.4-1.el6, and has inherited its bugs and notes.
This update has been pushed to testing
This update has reached 33 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
Due to the age of this package, it should not be added to EPEL. If you feel this package should still be in EPEL, please rebuilt it and submit another update request.
Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.
This update has been unpushed.
This update has been obsoleted.