Looks like nagios-4.0.8 is not compatible with nagios-3.5.1
I saw this in OpenStack Packstack CI job, using puppet module
mod 'nagios',
:commit => '56a1eee350c4600bb12e017d64238fb3f876abd4',
:git => 'https://github.com/gildub/puppet-nagios-openstack.git'
nagios: Error: Service has no hosts and/or service_description (config file '/etc/nagios/nagios_service.cfg', starting on line 49)
nagios: Error processing object config files!
This update has been submitted for testing by swilkerson.
This update has been pushed to testing.
swilkerson edited this update.
This update has reached 17 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
This update has been submitted for stable by pbrobinson.
This update has been pushed to stable.
Looks like nagios-4.0.8 is not compatible with nagios-3.5.1 I saw this in OpenStack Packstack CI job, using puppet module mod 'nagios', :commit => '56a1eee350c4600bb12e017d64238fb3f876abd4', :git => 'https://github.com/gildub/puppet-nagios-openstack.git'
nagios: Error: Service has no hosts and/or service_description (config file '/etc/nagios/nagios_service.cfg', starting on line 49) nagios: Error processing object config files!