added rlIsCentOS similar to rlIsRHEL, bz1214190; added missing dependencies, bz1391969; make rlRun use internal variables with more unique name, bz1285804; fix rlRun exitcodes while using various switches, bz1303900; make sure the output of rlRun while using -s is completely written to the file, bz1361246; rlFileRestore now better distinquish betwwen various errorneous situations, bz1370453; rlService* won't be blocked be less(1) while systemctl redirection is in place, bz1383303; variable <libPrefix>LibraryDir variable is created for all imported libraries, holding the path to the library source, bz1074487; all logging messages are now printed to stderr, bz1171881; wildcard %doc inclusion in spec, bz1206173; prevent unbound variables, bz1228264; new functions rlServiceEnabled/rlServiceDisable for enabling/disabling services, bz1234804; updated documentation for rlImport -all, bz1246061; rlAssertNotEquals now accept empty argument, bz1303618; rlRun now uses better filename for output log, bz1314700; fixed cosmetic discrepancy in log output, bz1374256; added documentation reference for bkrdoc, bz843823; added documentation of the testwatcher feature, bz1218169; rlServiceRestore can restore all saved services in no parameter provided, bz494318; rlCheckMount take mount options (ro/rw) into consideration, bz1191627; added documentation for LOG_LEVEL variable, bz581816
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sopos edited this update.
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This update has been obsoleted by beakerlib-1.15-1.el5.