This update provides a parallel installable bouncycastle1.58 package. Like the Fedora bouncycastle package. this package provides all bouncycastle subpackages built from the same source package. Some of them were previously not available in EPEL 6.
The update also updates some packages to build against this new bouncycastle version, and adds canl-java and voms-clients-java to EPEL 6 which were previously not buildable due to missing dependencies.
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Great to see this at last.
While a recent version of BC in EPEL 6 it is welcome , this update will break many services in production on the WLCG due to backward incompatibilities and changes in package naming, so it needs to be carefully rolled-out.As a side note the versioning of voms-api-java and voms-clients in this update breaks a versioning convention that we use to keep versions aligned between voms-api-java, canl and bouncycastle and shield users of the voms-api-java to breaking changes in BC and CANL. I will send clarifications by email to Mattias with suggestions on how these problems could be fixed.
Bodhi is disabling automatic push to stable due to negative karma. The maintainer may push manually if they determine that the issue is not severe.
Due to its backward incompatibilities i'm down-voting this
I'd rather see any suggestions also in public. This realease seemed fine to me within an EPEL context.
In EPEL (stable) there's: 1.46-1.el6 and this one jumps to 1.58-2.el6, as already mentioned it breaks a lot of stuff for us as well.
If it may help, here's the exact symptom:
karma: -1
@steve: we keep the versioning aligned, so that - voms-api-java 3.0 depends on CANL 1.3.x which depends on BC 1.46 - voms-api-java 3.1 depends on CANL 2.1.x which depends on BC 1.50 - voms-api-java 3.2 depends on CANL 2.2.x which depends on BC 1.52 - voms-api-java 3.3 depends on CANL 2.5 which depends on BC 1.56 (even though apparently works fine also with 1.58)
It would be good if the EPEL packaging keeps this convention, so some changes to this update are required. Besides voms, bc 1.46 to 1.58 will for sure break other clients we are unaware of.
This update has reached 14 days in testing and can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes
There are two solutions to this.
Update bouncycastle as proposed in the update, but also add a bouncycastle1.46 compat package package that provides /usr/share/java/bcprov-1.46,jar that provides the old version.
Leave the bouncycastle package at the old 1.46 version and add the update as a councycastle1.56 compat package with versioned jars.
Option 1 gives a cleaner state going forward, but option 2 is more backward compatible since it does not change the meaning of the unversioned /usr/share/java/bcprov,jar.
Do you have any preferences?
I vote for option 2
Review request bouncycastle1.58 compat package: Anyone that can do a review?
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This update has been submitted for stable by bodhi.
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