Rebase to Pagure 5.2 to move to a maintained Pagure version and fix CVE-2017-1002151, as well as many other issues.
Upstream changes of note with the rebase to 5.2:
commandConsult the official Pagure documentation on upgrading to Pagure 5 from earlier versions.
As part of this update, celery 4.2.1, kombu 4.2.2, billiard, vine 1.2.0, amqp 2.4.0, and redis-py 2.10.6 are now in EPEL7 to support Pagure.
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This update has been submitted for testing by ngompa.
This update has been pushed to testing.
Using these packages to run pagure's test suite in podman/CentOS7, they fail, but not because of these packages (which are actually improving the situation compare to the packages I used to use)
ngompa edited this update.
New build(s):
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This update has been submitted for testing by ngompa.
This update has been pushed to testing.
ngompa edited this update.
Generally works, though running Pagure requires a lot of fiddling with SELinux rules. My understanding is that the current version of the package has the same issues, so better than it was before at least.
This update has been submitted for batched by bodhi.
This update has been submitted for stable by ngompa.
This update has been pushed to stable.