
exo-4.16.3-2.el9, garcon-4.16.1-5.el9, & 42 more

FEDORA-EPEL-2022-5fe886dfa9 created by nonamedotc 2 years ago for Fedora EPEL 9

Xfce Desktop for EPEL9

This update has been submitted for testing by nonamedotc.

2 years ago

This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.

2 years ago

nonamedotc edited this update.

New build(s):

  • xfwm4-themes-4.10.0-18.el9

Karma has been reset.

2 years ago

This update has been pushed to testing.

2 years ago
User Icon tdawson commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Looks and works great. Thank You.

BZ#2029212 Please branch and build xfce4 for epel9
User Icon jcpunk commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Would it be possible to get the xfce4 groups into comps.xml?

User Icon nonamedotc commented & provided feedback 2 years ago


Right. I forgot about comps. I will do it as soon as I can.

User Icon bogen85 commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

I just now installed the xfce4 packages from epel-testing. It works and looks great! Thank you!

This update can be pushed to stable now if the maintainer wishes

2 years ago
User Icon dowdle commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Works great for me. Would like to see mousepad added if you can figure out what the build issue is with it. Thanks for the hard work.

BZ#2029212 Please branch and build xfce4 for epel9
User Icon prymar56 commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

nothing for lightdm-* is in tree there is a requires on: lightdm-gtk

mousepad has a BR on gtksourceview3-devel

missing: gtk-xfce-engine

User Icon bogen85 commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

I use sddm. I have lightdm blocked in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf:

exclude=grub2 grub grubby java- -java jdk javapackages- ModemManager vino lightdm yum kf5 plasma*

I was already doing that in EL8, so this is not really a change for me going to EL9

pkg=$(dnf --enablerepo=epel-testing search xfce | cut -d. -f1 | fgrep xf | fgrep -v '==')

sudo dnf --enablerepo=epel-testing install $pkg --skip-broken sudo dnf -y install Xorg xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-xinit xorg-x11-xinit-session xorg-x11-drv-evdev xorg-x11-drv-libinput firefox sddm xdg-utils

BZ#2029212 Please branch and build xfce4 for epel9
User Icon bogen85 commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Last post was mangled as I did not escape code blocks...

I use sddm. I have lightdm blocked in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf:

exclude=*grub2* grub* grubby java-* *-java* *jdk* javapackages-* ModemManager* vino lightdm yum kf5* plasma*

I was already doing that in EL8, so this is not really a change for me going to EL9

# Since no XFCE group in EL9, this is what I do to install:

pkg=$(dnf --enablerepo=epel-testing search xfce | cut -d. -f1 | fgrep xf | fgrep -v '==')

sudo dnf --enablerepo=epel-testing install $pkg --skip-broken sudo dnf -y install Xorg xorg-x11-utils xorg-x11-xinit xorg-x11-xinit-session xorg-x11-drv-evdev xorg-x11-drv-libinput firefox sddm xdg-utils
User Icon tdawson commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

lightdm IS in epel9 -

lightdm-gtk IS NOT in epel9, because it depends on xfce4-dev-tools to build. Which is part of this update. I (or others) could build it on this side-tag and add it to this update. Or I could wait until this is done testing. Let me know what you want.

User Icon bogen85 commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Since I use sddm, it is fine without lightdm for. However, I don't speak for other users...

Network manager plugin seems to be missing. (loading gnome services at start locks up the session, but I don't have gnome installed anyways).

Status tray plugin does work. (I installed virt-manager to verify).

The power manager plugin works and I get the correct battery level/charge status.

User Icon bogen85 commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Ok, I can get the network manager status in the systray. (I removed ModemModem from my dnf conf ignore and installed network-manager-applet)

User Icon nonamedotc commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

@tdawson can we have this in stable and then build lightdm-gtk?


yes. mousepad builds fine against gtksourceview4 as well. -devel is missing in RHEL as far as I can tell.

I am not sure if gtk-xfce-engine is even needed anymore ...

User Icon tdawson commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

tdawson can we have this in stable and then build lightdm-gtk?

Sure. Once this is in stable, I will build lightdm-gtk. That was my original plan, but then I saw people wanting lightdm, so I thought I would ask what people want.

User Icon digital-warrior commented & provided feedback 2 years ago

Works perfectly with gdm. Was unable to test with lightdm as there is a package missing.

Error: Problem: problem with installed package xorg-x11-server-Xorg-1.20.11-10.el9.x86_64 - package lightdm-1.30.0-16.el9.x86_64 requires (lightdm-greeter = 1.2 if xorg-x11-server-Xorg), but none of the providers can be installed - conflicting requests

This update has been submitted for stable by nonamedotc.

2 years ago

This update has been pushed to stable.

2 years ago

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Content Type
Test Gating
Unstable by Karma
Stable by Karma
Stable by Time
31 days
2 years ago
in testing
2 years ago
in stable
2 years ago
2 years ago
BZ#2029212 Please branch and build xfce4 for epel9

Automated Test Results