Automatic update for tmt-1.30.0-1.el9.
* Fri Dec 08 2023 Petr Šplíchal <> - 1.30.0
- Make `arch` field unsupported in the spec
- Introduce `tty` test attribute to control terminal environment
- Ensure the imported plan's `enabled` key is respected
- Add support for user defined templates (#2519)
- Update the common schema for the `check` key
- Create a `checks` directory to store avc/dmesg checks
- Correctly update environment from importing plan
- Implement `tmt try` for interactive sessions
- Use a shorter time for `podman stop` (#2480)
- Add the `redis` server as a multihost sync example
- Improve documentation of test checks
- Adjust the format of Polarion test run title
- Run all available tests only upon a user request
- Rename `name` to `how` in test check specification (#2527)
- Link `inheritance` and `elasticity` from the guide
- Add the `fips` field for the `polarion` report
- Cover `tmt.cli` with `pyright` (#2520)
- Custom soft/hard reboot commands for the connect provision plugin
- Add `--feeling-safe` for allowing possibly dangerous actions
- Update docs for the `polarion` report plugin
- Move test-requested reboot handling into test invocation class
- Add `-i` to select an image in beaker and artemis
- Document how to use `yaml` anchors and aliases
- Simplify log decolorizers to support pickleable trees
- Add description field to polarion report plugin
- Make check plugin class generic over check class (#2502)
- Increase verbosity of Artemis provisioning errors
- Add more distros to the `mrack` config
- Move the `contact` key to the `Core` class
- Bump tmt in lint pre-commit check to 1.29.0
- Add Python 3.12 to the test matrix
- Move `mrack` configs into `tmt+provision-beaker`
- Allow running upgrade from the current repository
- Fix remote nested library fetch and add test
- Cover tmt.options with pyright
- Cover tmt.checks, tmt.frameworks and tmt.log with pyright
- Cover tmt.result with pyright checks
- Store fmf `context` in results for each test
- Add networks to the podman provision plugin (#2419)
- Add a dedicated exit code when all tests reported `skip` result
- Move invocation-related fields out of `Test` class
- Remove expected fail from `/tests/pip/install/full`
- Convert test execution internals to use "invocation" bundle (#2469)
- Introduce a separate page `Code` for code docs
- Add code documentation generated from docstrings
- Fix possible unbound variable after import-under-try
- Add `pyright` as a `pre-commit` check
- Add a helper for nonconflicting, multihost-safe filenames
- Add the `whiteboard` option for `beaker` provision
- Support timestamped logging even on the terminal
- Enable pyupgrade `UP` ruff rule
- Fix `UP035` deprecated-import violations
- Fix `UP034` extraneous-parentheses violation
- Fix `UP033` lru-cache-with-maxsize-none violations
- Fix `UP032` f-string violations
- Fix `UP013` convert-typed-dict-functional-to-class
- Fix `UP009` utf8-encoding-declaration violations
- Fix `UP006` non-pep585-annotation violations
- Try several times to build the `become` container (#2467)
- Add .py file extension to docs scripts (#2476)
- Add a link to the Testing Farm documentation
- Use `renku` as the default theme for building docs
- Properly normalize the test `path` key
- Add an `adjust` example for enabling custom repo
- Drop special normalization methods
- Disable `dist-git-init` in the `distgit` test (#2463)
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