redhat-lsb 5.0 with new source location
Recommends the software which is not available on epel
Add packages description:
This package is not compliance with LSB, because various components are missing from Fedora or EPEL, so compliance is not possible. Fedora or EPEL explicitly declines add support the missing components from LSB 5.0 or earlier because these components are very outdated and have been removed from the repositories and possibly replaced with new ones. This package tries its best to comply with the LSB. Hoping to be helpful and continue to support the LSB project and software that uses it
redhat-lsb now provides lsb_release, in future maybe we can remove the rest of sub-packages since LSB 5.0 is out of date
Remove sub-pacakges: redhat-lsb-core, redhat-lsb-cxx, redhat-lsb-desktop, redhat-lsb-languages and redhat-lsb-printing aren't useful for a long time
Switch to a noarch package
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This update has been submitted for testing by sergiomb.
This update's test gating status has been changed to 'ignored'.
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sergiomb edited this update.
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This update has been submitted for testing by sergiomb.