This release fixes perl (sorting with a block that calls return, handling exceptions in a global destruction, a memory leak when compiling a long regular expression, handling left-hand-side undef when assigning a list, a misoptimization when assignig a list in a list context, inheritance resolution of lexial objects in a debugger, a code flow in Perl_sv_inc_nomg(), an iterator signedness in handling an mro exception, sv_collxfrm macro to respect locale, a mismatch with the recursive subpatterns, a buffer overflow when compiling a regular expression with a bracketed character class with a white space, ownership of /usr/share/perl5/{ExtUtils,File,Module,Text,Time} directories, require complete perl by perl-CPAN, fetching a magic on the stacked file test operators, an undefined behavior in Perl_custom_op_get_field(), require perl(Encode) by perl-libs, missing entries to perldiag, PERL_UNUSED_ARG() definition in XSUB.h, croaking on "my $_" when "use utf8" is in effect, fc() in Turkish locale, accessing environment by DynaLoader thread-safe, a crash in optimizing split(), a memory leak when compiling a regular expression, a number of buckets in a hash getting too large, an arithmetic left shift of a minimal integer value, dumping a hash entry of PL_strtab type, perl-libs dependency on perl-DynaLoader), perl-autodie (missing use Scalar::Utils for using bless, remove reference), perl-CPAN (require complete perl), perl-Devel-PPPort (fix scanprov), perl-Digest-MD5 (do not return context buffer if there is none), perl-Encode (CVE-2021-36770 (arbitrary Perl code execution placed under the current working directory), enable PerlIO and fix code to not require line buffering in GSM0338), perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder (a build script), perl-File-Fetch (fix a mitigation for CVE-2016-1238), perl-File-Path (tests), perl-generators (broken call to perl.prov when filenames contain spaces), perl-HTTP-Tiny (check if a server has closed a connection before preserving it for reuse, ignore SIGPIPE on reads as well as writes, send Content-Length: 0 on empty body PUT/POST, unsupported schemata errors early), perl-IO-Socket-IP (safety under default-strict), perl-IPC-SysV (compiler warnings), perl-libnet (Net::FTP works with TLS 1.3, four-digit year in timegm() calls, change licence of libnetFAQ.pod to match everything else), perl-Module-Load (POD escaping), perl-Params-Util (documentation), perl-PathTools (an off-by-one in bsd_realpath()), perl-perlfaq (remove suggestion to use read() for slurping, link), perl-Pod-Simple (suppress "UTF-16 surrogate 0xd800" warning), perl-Socket (do not wrap the addrinfo IDN constants), perl-Text-Balanced (superfluous loading of SelfLoader), perl-Time-HiRes (introduce an epoch not to regress comparing to RHEL), perl-version (compiler warnings). It also enhances perl (5.32.1 version), perl-Config-Perl-V (new version string), perl-DB_File (use direct notation over indirect), perl-Devel-PPPort (implement return value for newCONSTSUB(), add vwarner, MUTABLE_AV, MUTABLE_CV, MUTABLE_GV, MUTABLE_HV, MUTABLE_IO, SvPVx_nolen_const, LC_NUMERIC locale handling, packWARN, packWARN2, packWARN3, packWARN4, ck_warner, ck_warner_d, ckWARN_d, ckWARN_2, ckWARN_3, ckWARN_4, ckWARN2_d, ckWARN3_d, ckWARN4_d, PERL_ARGS_ASSERT_CROAK_XS_USAGE), perl-Digest (support for the SHA3 digests, base64_padded_digest method), perl-experimental (try feature), perl-ExtUtils-Install (optimizations for tree traversal, directory creation, and file comparisons), perl-ExtUtils-Manifest (calculate absolute path to MANIFEST.SKIP (in $DEFAULT_MSKIP) at module load time, where FILE is guaranteed to valid), perl-File-Temp (add PERMS options to create temp file with given file permissions), perl-generators (generate dependencies from /usr/libexec/), perl-HTTP-Tiny (add "patch" method, if the REQUEST_METHOD environment variable is set, then CGI_HTTP_PROXY replaces HTTP_PROXY), perl-MIME-Base64 (modern Perl), perl-Module-CoreList (data for Perls 5.33.2--5.35.2), perl-perlfaq (equivalent to ruby #{}, python fstring), perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint (documentation), perl-Pod-Checker (modern Perl), perl-Pod-Simple (support =head5 and =head6), perl-Pod-Usage (documentation), perl-Socket (warn about truncation of out-of-range port numbers in pack_sockaddr_in*), perl-Pod-Simple (inherit warnings bitmask in cmp_ok string eval, demote Module::Pluggable hard dependency to Suggests level), perl-Unicode-Collate (default UCA_Version is 43, DUCET is updated for Unicode 13.0.0). It adds perl-Config-AutoConf (AutoConf macros in pure Perl).
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